Last 31st of December I was leaving Damasco, in Syria, when a little girl came to me. Angelina was not on her bike then. She was travelling with her partner, Stefano, from Lugano (Switzerland). Angelina is French. I met Stefano one year later on in Bishkek.
Toto is a singular guy from Quebec. He travels 6 months a year, by bike, foot or canoe. Toto is now travelling with his friend Patrick. I met them in Bishek. Toto would wake up every morning with a cry of happiness and a smile for the new day.
I met Stephano in Bishkek. We were waiting for our visas for India. Stephano also has clean and deep eyes, those looks that get directly to your heart. He keeps on telling me to convince Angelina to cycle Africa. They have been travelling for many months and need a rest to refresh their eyes for their trip. Fortunately I have not felt that need yet, I am still longing for new experiences, like on my first day. They are so positive people that my days in Bishkek, as slow as a goods train, have passed by really fast.
I have to extend my visa in Naryn and try to get to Kashgar by the end of September. Too much red paper, they keep you waiting and waiting at counters and office desks.
On Thursday I will be getting the parcel with the spare parts sent by Bike Tech. On Friday I will get the visa for India. I have a problem with the visa for Pakistan. The only crossing point between China and Pakistan is Kunjerab pass, at more than 4000m high. They try to keep it open as long as possible but in winter it snows too much and they have to close it already in November, or maybe October. So, I have to reach Kashgar asap, before the end of September. Then, I will have to cycle along Karakorum High way (KKH), at very high altitude.
Finally, as for my shows, after trying and trying, a representative of UNICEF has contacted me. At 14.00 I have an interview with the local representative.
My mood improves when I listen to my friends on the other side of the phone. After the failures of Thuraya dealer in Spain, my phone got blocked for a long while. Watch out for small letters at the end of the contracts, so small that they are not included in the mails. My friend, Imprevistos, has helped me out. His call and his promise to visit me in India (with Sole by his side) have provoked The Greatest (of my smiles).
On the way, with the highest percentage of miniskirts surrounding me per square metre in the whole Central Asia, day 1376, Peace and Well Being, the Biciclown.